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Highway Rambler

24.03.1979  -  16.04.1993 

SpaceQuest of Royaltain Taveys Satellite AM Ch  Kay Hills Dealers Choice
Arawak Perfecta
Royaltains College Girl Ch  Royaltains Reluctant Hero
Royaltains Little Nell
Mirdale Fascination Ch Jasmere Prince Regent of Mirdale Taveys Gentleman of Jasmere
Borains Born Free of Jasmere
Adinas Calamity of Mirdale Tinsleys The Storm Cloud
Adinas Merry Asta

 "Best in Show"   was Oxley's Highway Rambler, this Dobermann dog is in first class condition,

 good strong head but no courseness, good length of neck, very good topline, nicely muscled

hindquarters which he used well, Moved with drive, a worthy winner. xx

xxx Judge - Mr Ken Bullock.





Digger age 6 weeks



Bree, Digger age 3 months & Stacey


Puppy training 


B'Ham Ch show 1982

Judge Mr P Whittaker

Stacey, Digger & Bree  1983


Limit (11):  1 Oxley's Highway Rambler, Smart young male, lovely clean outline, excellent shoulder construction and hindquarters, well muscled with nice low set hocks, well proportioned head and neck, good length and depth of muzzle, ample forchest and depth, strong level topline and croup, legs have good round bone with strong pasterns. Movement very good and looks so proud standing and moving  BOB.  
 Judge - Mr J McManus

                     Running free



                My old pal

               Goodnight God Bless

Limit dog :


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