Champion Digelsa Don the One JW

23.07.1989  -  17.07.2003 

Previous  Breed Record Holder - 22 CC's  &  22 Res CC's  


Ch Keyline Vengeance Int Ch Keyline Firemaster Ch Manterr Quixote
Keyline Starlet
 Keyline Victory Manterr Tycoon
Keyline Joan of Arc
Digelsa Dollymixture Ch Prioryhill Baronet Eaglespur Majesty
Ch Prioryhill Bacchante
Thunder of Calidore at Digelsa Ch Black Prince of Eaglespur at Manterr
Calidore Georgina


OD:  1, Oxley's   Ch Digelsa Don The One,  Great favourite of mine for many reasons, some of which are his great breed type,  

presence & style, super head, eye & ears, good coat & colour, young  handler should also be complimented for her ability to get the best out of her dog

they are a real team & good example of team showmanship  CC                                       

       Judge - Mrs S De Forrest Keys




Freeman age 6 weeks.  

From this age he always had that

 "Something special" look about him.





Freeman age 12 weeks


4 Months and starting to take shape 


8 Months  sleeping in the sun. We never wrap the dogs up in cotton wool they all play out and rough and tumble together

Made up today - Three Counties

Open dog :
1. Oxley's Digelsa Don The One
Shown in first class order, good head eye and ears, well laid shoulders, clean front, good topline & quarters, moved and showed well to win CC & BOB.

Judge - Mr Bryan Moorehouse

 Paignton 1992
Judge - Mr Michael Quinney

Contest of Champions 1993
  Ramada Hotel Heathrow

Freeman wasn't just a show dog. He was first and foremost our family pet and had lots of fun in between shows he was the most wonderful friend and companion





Stacey occasionally dragged the lead from my hand. Here she is winning the dog CC at South Wales KA


   Mrs S De Forrest Keys



It was very exciting to win Best of Breed with Freeman at Crufts in 1993. The BBC television crew just happened to be at ringside when Mr Richmond made the award and they all rushed in for a film clip and an interview.



His Stunning Daughter Ch Quixol Bryony
His Eaqually Stunning daughter                                                                                     
Ch Manterr Keyline Heiress                                                                                      


68   Championship Shows Attended

51 Firsts
19 Seconds
5 Thirds
2 Reserves

22 Challenge Certificates
22 Reserve  Challenge Certificates
16 Best of Breeds

Top Puppy 1990
Top Manchester 1991
Top Manchester 1993

Best in Show  B.M.T.C.


On the day Freeman won his 22nd CC and broke the breed record I retired him from the showring.

He continued as an ambassador for the breed and attended many seminars until he was 12 years old.


My last Photo of Freeman just                                      
  a week before he died.                                                      

Good Night God Bless                                                   

    You did us proud                                                         


Digelsa  2010  The content of this web site is copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part ma
 y be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers .