Champion Digelsa Dark Destroyer  ShCM




   Ch Digelsa     Don The One
Ch Keyline Vengeance

Int. CH. Keyline Firemaster 

 Keyline Victory
Digelsa Dollymixture CH. Prioryhill Baronet
Thunder of Calidore at Digelsa
Digelsa Double Wammy CH Harkeats Gunner General Brenandi Azbabe
Harkeats Alecs Amanda
Digelsa Definitely Maybe Ch Digelsa     Don The One
 Mahratta Masquerade at Digelsa
"Winner of  CC  and  Best in Show"

 BMTC  Championship show  2005

Open Dog 8 entries 2 Abs

1st Oxleys Digelsa Dark Destroyer

This dog gave it his all. Good for size, well made and marked. Has all the attributes for a title. Whenever asked to move did so straight and true, just did not stop showing. A classy dog. He made it his day. CC & BIS.   Judge -  Mrs G Reeve


Alice and Cooper in the nest ( Cooper nearest)

nearly 3 weeks old



Their first solid meal  at 3 weeks


Starting to take shape at 11 weeks

Sam came along just before Cooper, like Nicole and Ross they have grown up together and sometimes Sam helps with the feeding.   

Cooper at SKC Ch Show 2004
aged 15 months

Cooper   together with Danny and more recently Roxy pay regular visits to Blenheim Nursing home in Sheffield, where My Mum is being looked after as she has alziemer's disease. It brings a smile to her face when she sees the dogs, they have become celebrities there these days.


Cooper won many BOB's and group placings in his way to his ShCM. Here he is winning Terrier Group 1 at Bakewell Premier Show   Judge : Mr Alan Small

He's now enjoying his life of luxury  

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No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.