Champion Digelsa Dictator



                             Awaiting ph

Ch Galchris Millennium Falcon Ch Keyline Glory Boy ay Galchris Keyline Emissary of the Year
Keyline War Glory
 Mahratta Mystique at Galchris Ch Keyline Vengeance
Ch Manterr Keyline Heiress
Digelsa Dynasty Ch Digelsa Don The One Ch Keyline Vengeance
Digelsa Dollymixture
 Digelsa Double Wammy Ch Harkeats Gunner General
Digelsa Definitely Maybe

    Made up today - Richmond 2007
           Judge Mrs Sue McCourt

                                                             Danny and his litter brother Digger here
                        at 5 weeks

                     Soon to become
Ch Digelsa Dictator  &  Ch Digelsa Dig Deep



Mum Alice at the back
L - R
Digger Danny and Izzy
9 weeks



                16 weeks table training


Litter Brothers
Digger & Danny battling it out at Bath 2007


Doing our bit for the breed
at discover dogs - Crufts

Note the very good  Vent.



City of Birmingham 2007

                 O          OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Oxley's Digelsa Dictator   Super for size, type, make and shape with deep chest, well laid shoulder and good forechest, elegant and compact in outline.  A pleasure indeed to handle as he is so beautifully made all through and this was reflected in the excellence of his movement with well set and carried tail.  Masculine head with a keen intelligent expression in his dark sparkling eyes.  Great showman. CC which, I gather, is his second

                                 Judge  -  Jane Lilley


The casual side of Danny. Watching the TV
 in his new 34 C head gear


Digelsa © 2010 The content of this web site is copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.