Thunder Of Calidore At Digelsa
"Elsa" our lovely pet and foundation bitch

07.06.1980  -  11.02.1994

Ch Black   Prince of
at Manterr
Eaglespur Caradoc Ch Manterr Marquis
Eaglespur Carina
 Eaglespur Becky Ch Manterr Marquis
Kirkby Bliss
    Calidore      Georgina      Scarlac Black Nick Ch Prioryhill Baronet
Ch Scarlac Black Tania
Ch Calidore Dawnbreaker Ch Prioryhill Baronet
Coombelane Folksong

      Our first Manchester Terrier
Elsa arrived when she was just 6 weeks old.

When Elsa was 14 weeks old we took  her on a
touring holiday to Southern Ireland.
This photo was taken at  Kinsale on the south west coast. As I was taking it, a coach load of American tourists arrived at the harbour and one shouted 
"Hey look it's a ratter"  and they all started taking photo's.

A really terrible photo
but we were so proud when Elsa won Best Puppy at Crufts

I bought Elsa for Mum and Dad  as a pet and she lived a very happy and loving life with them. She was super intelligent and if told to "Fetch" she could somehow tell the difference between a large assortment of toys and even different coloured balls.

Elsa as an old lady, enjoying herself digging on the beach on holiday.

Happy times  Mum & Elsa - Miss you both x

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No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.