Champion Digelsa Dire Straights




Ch Harkeats Gunner General
Brenandi Azdabe Ch Churnet Capstan
Ch Brenandi Myrica
Harkeats Alecs Amanda Int Ch Keyline Fire Master
Holly of Spring
Digelsa Definitelty Maybe Ch Digelsa  Don The One Ch Keyline Vengeance
Digelsa Dollymixture
Marhatta Masquerade   at Digelsa Ch Keyline Vengeance
Ch Manterr Keyline Heiress

    OD:  1,  Oxley's Digelsa Dire Straights, Took my eye right away, nice size, good outline, nicely arched neck, correct rise over loin,    a quality dog, good in front and rear construction, the best and most positive mover today, with out a doubt CC, his 3rd and BOB.                                Judge - Mr Les Aspin - National Terrier 2001.


Table training starts at an early age, for all the puppies. This helps them to be used to being handled on a table which is essential, especially on their first visit to the Vets.


Rossy was born just a few months before Nicole.  Nicole and Stacey lived with us, so like myself and Rex. Nicole and Ross were brought up together and became close inseperable. We could always find them either in the dog basket or in Ross's cage asleep.

Ross at about 18 months


 Ross at Crufts. 

Ross is highly intelligent, sometimes physic and a devoted family pet

Age 11 living the life of luxury


Digelsa 2009 The content of this web site is copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.