Digelsa Dollymixture  JW

08.04.1982  -  20.08.1993

Ag photo

Ch Prioryhill  Baronet
Eaglespur Majesty Ch Manterr Quixote
Keyline Starlet
 Ch Prioryhill Bacchante Manterr Tycoon
Keyline Joan of Arc
Thunder of Calidore
at Digelsa
Ch Black Prince of Eaglespur at Manterr Eaglespur Caradoc
Eaglespur Becky
Calidore Georgina Scarlac Black Nick
Ch Calidore Dawnbreaker

                 My beloved Dolly

Open Bitch : 1, Oxley's Digelsa Dollymixture, Excellent head & eye,
topline of the best, moved soundly, never stopped showing. CC     Judge - Mr Phil Beeley


Dolly as a puppy at Blackpool  1983 under  the late Mr George Candling

Stacey and Bree with Dolly and the Judge

Limit dog :


Limit dog :
Blackpool must have been a lucky show for Dolly She won Digelsa's first CC here in 1985


Judge Mr Bernie Fallon


Limit dog :
1A couple of head shots


Dolly winning the Res CC at the BMTC
                    CH show 1986

She did us Proud

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No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.