Mahratta Masquerade at Digelsa

12.10.1993  -  17.10.2004

Ch Keyline Vengeance Int Ch Keyline Firemaster Ch Manterr Quixote
Keyline Starlet
 Keyline Victory Manterr Tycoon
Keyline Joan of Arc
Ch Manterr Keyline Heiress
Ch Digelsa Don The One Ch Keyline Vengeance
Digelsa Dollymixture
Manterr Fantasia Ch Shorral Arctic Prince
Manterr Victoria

OB: (2) Res CC - Oxley's Mahratta Masquerade at Digelsa. She just excels in breed type, best shoulder & front construction of the entry, although up to size otherwise difficult to fault;  
M Abbott (Judge) Leeds Ch Show - 1995

Sacha initially came to live with us to be  fostered as she had been "Rescued"  from an unsuitable home and then just stayed on as a family pet. She was a typical Keyline type bitch and grand daughter of my Don The One

A bit on the tall side for showing, Sacha
was a very kind, quiet and loving mum 

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