Digelsa Dynasty
Top Brood Bitch
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
The only Manchester Terrier bitch to have
produced 5 Champions with 50 CC's between them.
Ch Digelsa Don The One
ex Breed record holder
22 CC's & 22 res CC's |
Ch Keyline Vengeance |
Ch Keyline Firemaster |
Keyline Victory |
Digelsa Dollymixture |
Ch Prioryhill Baronet |
Thunder of Calidore at Digelsa |
Digelsa Double Wammy |
Ch Harkeats Gunner General |
Brenandi Adzdabe |
Harkeats Alec's Amanda |
Digelsa Definately Maybe |
Ch Digelsa
Don The One
xxxxxx |
Mahratta Masquerade at Digelsa |
Alice has never been shown as I was busy
campaigning her litter brother Ch Digelsa Dark Destroyer ShCM.
I always say that "she is no swan" she is our family pet. But she
does have that certain something special.
To Date she has produced some lovely puppies who have won 50 CC's
between them.
Alice and Cooper in the nest ( Alice is at the back)
nearly 3 weeks old

first taste of solid food aged 3 weeks
These two were given their respective names as the evening they were born, Gill and
I went to see "Alice Cooper" in concert at Manchester.
I still have slight tinitus in my left ear from that concert. (we were
in the second row)

Lead training in the garden.
Alice has always been one of the most sweetest,
kindest and loving of our dogs, she reminds
me of my beloved Dollymixture.
She is the absolute best of mothers to
her babies.

Chewing her pigs ear with one of her babies watching on.

Although I never had the chance to show Alice she had just the same
training as all the rest
At Leeds
Championship show 2009 "Digelsa Manchester Terriers" were the first ever to win
Kennel Club Breeders Class - Terrier Group 1
Alice is the Dam of these four Champions`
Ch Digelsa Double Entendre - Ch Digelsa Dream Maker -
Ch Digelsa Dionysis - Ch Digelsa Dig
We are especially proud of Alice
she is the Dam of both the 2009
Crufts CC winners

Ch Digelsa Dig
Deep at Brockenella JW ShCM
Ch Digelsa Double Entendre JW ShCM
Digelsa �
2010 The content of this web site is
copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.