Digelsa Definitely Maybe

29.12.1995  -  13.02.2010
Sadly Lottie passed away just starting her 15th year, she will be sadly missed


Ch Digelsa Don The One Ch Keyline Vengeance Int Ch Keyline Firemaster
Keyline Victory
 Digelsa Dollymixture Ch Prioryhill Baronet
Thunder of Calidore at Digelsa
Mahratta Masquerade at
Ch keyline Vengeance Int Ch Keyline Firemaster
Keyline Victory
Ch Manterr keyline Heiress Ch Digelsa Don The One
Manterr Fantasia

Open Bitch (7): 1, Oxley's Digelsa Deninitely Maybe, Class throughout, long lean chiselled head, darkest of eyes, correct bite, super ears, excellent forehand, great quarters, low well set hocks, moved superbly, should make up. CC & BOB
Judge - W Brown-Cole. WELKS 1999


Sacha with Lottie at 1 day old

Stacey practicing with Lottie  
on the kitchen unit at 12 weeks


Lottie show practice in the garden
 at 4 months

Lottie same spot in the garden just about
a year later  still practicing.

          See how the body is maturing


Richmond Champ show 1997
18 months winning Res CC.

(little did we know when this photo was taken that she was in whelp by a miss mating with Don The One)


 WELKS Champ Show 1999

You will see Malcolm Abbott, Richard Pyne
Gill Knight and Carol Wicker in the photo

Lottie still practicing her show posing
as she becomes a Veteran

                                                               Nicole Sam and Lottie age 13

As Beautiful as ever she was 14 in December 2009

*Goodnight God Bless*

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No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.