Here are a few "Digelsa" puppy photo's  

Just before arrival 60 days

1 day old

2 weeks

Lots of sleep needed

Eyes opening and getting up onto their feet

Starting to wean at 3 weeks

5 weeks and taking shape

Elsa, we got her at just 6 weeks old

Training starts early - Arnie at 6 weeks
Same puppies in a less formal pose

Digelsa Don't Stop Me Now
A stunning dog but grew much too big at 20 inches

Ch Digelsa Dig Deep at Brockenella
Crufts BOB 2008 & 2009, 11 Cc's 9 res CC's

Alice with Digelsa Dream Maker 12 weeks

Toilet training, puppy pad method

Alice Poppy and Milo

Digelsa Dynamite 8 weeks
Ch Digelsa Dig Deep, Ch Digelsa Dictator, Digelsa Deep Purple with Mum
Digelsa Dynasty at 9 weeks

Danny's puppies at 7 weeks

Jade with her new Mum at 8 weeks


SSpot the potential ?
Ch Digelsa Dig Deep & Ch Digelsa Dictator
at 5 weeks

at 5 weeks
Digelsa Dionysis having a rest during dressing up with the kids

Digelsa © 2011 The content of this web site is copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part may be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.