The Digelsa story so far..........1954 - 2014

ur very first dog just happened to be a Black and Tan crossbreed called Rex.
He looked after me as a baby

   I found out later that my Mum used to tie a bone around
my neck
and through my early years he never left my side.




 We lived in a small terraced house in the heart of the  steelworking area of  Sheffield




We moved house when I was 10 years old and I got a job at the local pub doing odd jobs, but the best thing was that they had just got a pedigree Boxer puppy Macreen Highland Rambler (Mac) I looked after him and took him for a walk everyday after school.



I got married age 20 and was longing for a dog of my own. I could never have replaced Mac, so saved up and bought a Dobermann of Royaltains breeding (Digger). I searched for a local training club and came across Handsworth CS, they ran match nights too and suggested I tried my hands at showing him. At my first show, an all breeds open show I got a 1st under Mrs Ann Argyle. ....... I was hooked !


At my next local show I saw a man with what looked like a miniature Dobermann, I went over to him for a chat and he told me it was a Manchester Terrier,  he was the Famous George Candling an expert in Manchesters and a Professional handler too, a real   Terrier Man. That day I just fell in love with the breed and he became my mentor.   My first Manchester "Elsa" arrived in 1980, her Kennel name was Thunder of Calidore.

My first litter was in 1982, in this litter was my beautiful bitch, Digelsa Dollymixture. She produced two Champions for me Ch Digelsa Double Trouble and the famous Breed record holder Ch Digelsa Don The One JW who won 22 Challenge Certificates and not forgetting  22 Res Challenge Certificates,  Best of Breed at Crufts.
times Best in show at the BMTC open shows, he was real showman a gentleman and  to me almost perfect. 

                 Digger       Elsa     Dolly    Tommy

Stacey was involved with the training and mucking out of our dogs from an early age. She soon became involved in the junior handling competitions. She was in much demand handling ours and other people's dogs to some notable successes in the Terrier and working groups.

Handling to BOB, one of Chris Buck's Irish Setters at Newark

                           Our Dobermann Digger


                                 Here she is after winning a CC with Ch Digelsa Don The One JW

     Gill joined us in 1998 and proved to be such
a natural  with the dogs   -   I married her !


                     Gill has become the backbone of Digelsa and
                    has the "nack" when it comes to puppy
                training and free standing

                   Gill training to free stand


                  Note the very good Vents
                     Something lacking in many Manchesters
               The little one at the front is  Roxy
          Above Gill with Danny and Poppy

           Below - Cooper nice and snug


                      Myself as John Brown
                        Karen Roberts as Queen Victoria

                              At the Jack Black pageant
 B'ham Ch show 2000 


Digelsa 2011  The content of this web site is copyright of the Digelsa MT's unless separately assigned.
No part ma
 y be reproduced without written permission from Digelsa Manchester Terriers.